This 16 pin molex for flowglider box is compatible with our Atlowshop VEXR molex harness to provide a dedicated charge path, smart taillights, Ennoid power and CAN, and 3 unused open pins for future expansion or in case of a broken wire. The pinout and functions are in the product images. Natively compatible with Lilfoccer/250R
Female XT60 for Main Battery Power
Male XT30 for Charge Path (Connect to female XT30 of 4 pin XLR charge port)
2 pin female jst-ph main power tap for buck (connect to 2pin jst male high voltage buck input)
2 pin female jst-ph for CAN (connect to CAN port)
3 pin female jst-ph for 5v Ennoid or other accessory power (Only has 2 wires populated, connect to servo port.)
3 pin female jst-ph for 5v, gnd, and data for smart leds (connect to standalone WLED controller)
3 unused pins (VEXR Molex Harness has these wires present so they can be used for custom functions or as spares if a wire in the harness breaks)
***Not Compatible with stock XR harness***